The Safest Water Bottle to Drink From

drinking water

Many people refill single-use plastic bottles (Plastic #1, PET) as a cheap way to carry water. That bottle was bought with water in it in the first place – what can go wrong? While a single refill in a freshly drained bottle probably will not cause any problem, there can be some issues when it … Read moreThe Safest Water Bottle to Drink From

No more single-use plastic – Plastic Ban

single use plastic

India is likely to impose a nationwide ban on plastic bags, cups, small bottles, straws and some types of sachets next month as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to reduce use of pollution-causing, single-use plastic. What is single-use plastic? Single-use plastics are often referred to as disposal plastics (read that as products that … Read moreNo more single-use plastic – Plastic Ban