The Impact of Food Waste on the Environment

The impact of food wastage on the environment is adverse. However, we first need to understand what food wastage exactly is. Food waste refers to the items which are perfectly consumable by us, but we choose to throw it away.  Now once we understand that, we need to understand why food wastage exists. To understand … Read moreThe Impact of Food Waste on the Environment

No more single-use plastic – Plastic Ban

single use plastic

India is likely to impose a nationwide ban on plastic bags, cups, small bottles, straws and some types of sachets next month as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to reduce use of pollution-causing, single-use plastic. What is single-use plastic? Single-use plastics are often referred to as disposal plastics (read that as products that … Read moreNo more single-use plastic – Plastic Ban

The Importance of Protecting Mother Earth

What is Mother Earth? Mother Earth is defined as “the earth considered as the source of all its living beings and inanimate things.” The expression of Mother Earth or sometimes called “Mother Nature” comes from ancient religious or mythical backgrounds. They spoke of their mothers and fathers who described and embodied the unknown or supernatural … Read moreThe Importance of Protecting Mother Earth